"Jee Aaya Nu"

That's what I said in Punjabi.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My First Illegality in US

Drive to Kings & Sequoia National park, could have been exciting had we not plucked those peaches illegally from the peach orchid.
Sunil was on the drivers seat, and I was quite excited to see the peach orchard on our way to the National park.
I was asking him to stop by the orchiard and let me steal some peaches. The fear was from the dogs or those electrical fencing.

However, the anxiety of plucking the fruit from the trees, and eating them fresh was so irresistible, that finally Sunil pulled off on the highway. He kept the engine on as I got off the car, and went to pluck the peaches.

God, the orchard looked so beautiful, trees bearing fruits. Frankly, I saw an orchard first time :).

Plucked around four peaches, ran towards the car, and sped off, fearing that a caretaker might be behind us.

But those peaches were not ripe :) ha ha ha!!!!

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